Live, Love, Learn -- We choose what we do. We enjoy where we are. We find passion in life.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Levon's Toe

About 10 minutes after we arrived at Sol Duc Hot springs Levon got injured. He was just walking around the pool and his big toe slid across a narrow drainage strip about 3 feet from the edge of the pool. There was a very sharp edge and he managed to slide his toe across it with the right pressure at the right angle and it sliced off a 1 inch x 1/2 inch chunk. It was such a clean "razor-sharp" edge, he never even felt it. 

He walked over to the pool stairs and blood was pouring out everywhere. We elevated and applied pressure but 10 minutes later it was still bleeding profusely. So we all got dressed and hoped back in the car for a 2 hour drive back to Port Townsend and the emergency room. 

Everything is going well this week. He's healing nicely and hopefully the injury will be completely healed shut in a couple weeks. It could have been better if we could have collected the chunk of missing toe, but it went down the drain.


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